Thursday, September 4, 2008

My new shoes

Fallacy of ad pupolum appeal to force is a easy way to use when we want to have something actually. It it using some treats of violence to achieve our goals. I already prove it. It is great.

Last few days, I admire a pair of shoes. But my mum not allowed I buy it since I have many shoes already. I felt unhappy and i loved it much. I lied to my mum. I told her, all of my shoes will "bite" my toe one. Then I showed her my bloody toe. I know her heart very soft. I told her I prefer to wear high heel. If you not allowed I buy it, I will ear my old shoes which "bite" my leg still blooding one. I try to force her to buy a new one for me. I know she do not want buy it to me is because do not I become a shopping queen. But since it is fact that all of my old shoes already spoil and the new shoes will make me get hurt.

She had no choice and finally bought it to me. Just like that, I had a new shoes easily. I wear it everyday when I go to my lecture class. It is my new "lover" in this moment.

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